Education Planning 2019-22

NGPS held its annual 3 Year Education Planning session with division leadership, trustees and school principals on March 18. Superintendent Kevin Andrea says it was an opportunity to reflect on the past three years and define the priorities and strategic direction of the school division going forward.As part of the day, all division departments presented on their work and leadership relative to the strategies identified in the current Education Plan, and collaborated on the vision going forward for 2019-22 in the areas of:
Instruction, Educational technology and platforms for Assessment and Reporting, School Nutrition programs, the Collaborative Response Model, Mental Health Capacity Building programs, Occupational Health and Safety Services – HourZero program, Communications, Quality Learning Enviornment, Beginning Teachers, partnerships to benefit students and increase learning opportunities like Dual Credit, Inclusive supports, supports for Indigenous learners and Literacy and Numeracy.
The development of an education plan is a requirement of Alberta Education. The plan, which is ongoing and updated yearly, reflects the goals of the division and specific actions or strategies which will be implemented to meet those goals. The Plan also serves as an accountability tool in measuring the attainment of those goals and is modified each year to reflect new and continuing directions for the division.
View the 2018-21 NGPS Education Plan
View the 2018-21 NGPS Education Plan Summary