Book Fair November 1 to 5

We are excited to announce we will once again be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair at the school AND have a Virtual Link (posted below), the week of Monday, November 1st through until Friday, November 5!
Students will tour the Book Fair and make a wish list (with prices) to bring home to their parents or guardians. The next day students can bring money along with the list of items you would like them to purchase. Please clearly mark the items you are allowing your child(ren) to purchase. Payments accepted this year will be cash or cheque (made out to Sangudo Community School). Those items will then be gathered and delivered to the students to bring home.
There will also be a VIRTUAL BookFair option again this year, where you and your child(ren) can shop from home using this link for these 5 days which anyone can use, so please share with friends and family! The site will only work from November 1st -November 5th!
Virtual Link:
**Every purchase made at the school or online will earn rewards for the school Scholastic money to purchase more books for the school library!
More information and pictures to come!! Once the books have been delivered and set up, Mrs. Hagman will take pictures to share on the Sangudo Community School Facebook page for parents to see!
If you have any questions or you would like to place an order from the pictures posted for your child to take home, please contact Mrs. Hagman at 780-785-3431 or email her at